Best Puppy in Group Winner
Milldamcreek Bringing Sexy Back
Reduced stud fee for 2025!
D.O.B: 12.16.2020
Sire: BISS MULTI CH. & GCH. Keecam's Sexy And I Know It, HIC, RN, CGN "Rival" OFA Information Dam: 🇨🇦 CH Rocky Ridge Shake It If Ya Got It "Charlie" OFA Information Registered: AKC & CKC Colour: Blue Merle Eyes: Blue Height: 17.75" Weight: 30lbs Ocean is a total sweetheart with those he knows well. He is always ready to get up and be active, but also has a great off switch. He is good with other dogs, but has slight reserve with strangers. He fits in wonderfully in our household every time he comes back to visit - a joy to have around! Ocean lives with Guardian M.P. in Kanata, ON September 2021 - Ocean is now a CKC Champion! So proud of this boy earning his Championship with almost all major wins, at just shy of 9 months old. Hips: Good (Prelim)
Elbows: Normal (Prelim) Patellas: Normal CAER (eyes): Normal 11/23 Basic Cardiac: Normal CEA: Clear (Embark) DM: Carrier (Embark) HC: Clear (Embark) MDR1: Clear (Embark) PRCD: Clear (Embark) CD: Clear (Embark) HUU: Clear (Embark) CMR1: Clear (Embark) NCL: Clear (Embark) PRCD: Clear (Embark) CDDY: Clear (PPG) CDPA: Clear (PPG) NAD: Clear (Purdue University/ADDL) |